"Τροβαδούροι της Αποκάλυψης". Αυτός είναι ο τίτλος του νέου βιβλίου του Βρετανού μουσικού, στοχαστή και στρατηγιστή Troy Southgate. Ο Southgate έχει υπηρετήσει, μέσα από τη συμμετοχή του σε ποικίλα συγκροτήματα, τη neofolk και industrial μουσική, και για το λόγο αυτό μας δίνει ένα βιβλίο - αφιέρωμα 200 σελίδων στο underground των μουσικών αυτών ειδών. Από την ιστορία τους, τα σημεία - σταθμούς, μέχρι το στιχουργικό υπόβαθρο και τον αντίστοιχο προσανατολισμό τους. Κάτι παραπάνω από ένα απλό βιβλίο για τη μουσική...
Στο έργο του αυτό συμμετέχουν επίσης οι Gerhard Hallstatt (Allerseelen), Miklós Hoffer (H.E.R.R.), Raymond P
(Von Thronstahl / The Days of the Trumpet Call), Richard Leviathan
(Strength Through Joy / Ostara), Robert Taylor (Changes), Grzegorz
Siedlecki (Horologium), Christopher Walton (AbRAXAS / Endura /
TenHornedBeast), Kristian Olsson (Survival Unit) και αρκετοί ακόμα μουσικοί.
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Original text in English: "The trumpets are sounding and the Apocalypse beckons. Empires come and go,
civilisations rise and fall. Throughout millennia the indomitable cycle
of birth, death and rebirth has left its indelible mark upon the
stuttering ebb and flow of human history.
Few people, before the advent of the fifth century, could have imagined
that the mighty Roman Empire would soon be lying in tatters at the feet
of its barbarian invaders. And now, over 1500 years later, we find
ourselves at another crucial juncture in history and before us the
cracks are finally beginning to appear in the seemingly invincible
edifice of Western domination. Civilisational decline, therefore, is not
a new concept, it is part of a timeless process and today we find
ourselves at the tail-end of our own rapidly diminishing epoch.
Accompanying the collapse of a civilisation are the prophets, the
doomsayers and those who inevitably seek to hasten the process, but
there is also a role for the poet, the artist and the musician. As far
as the latter is concerned, one of the chief bastions of the prevailing
apocalyptic mentality has been the Neofolk, Industrial and Neoclassical
genre. Indeed, buried deep within our European and North American
subculture, its purveyors and protagonists do not simply reach for the
proverbial fiddle as the flames begin to spread through the heart of
Rome itself, but they provide us with new insights into the causes of
our demise and remind us of the cultural traces which - for better or
worse - have made us who we are. Gathered together in this new volume
are some of the most popular names in the field and, in a series of
fascinating biographical essays, each participant recalls their origins
and musical development; their personal hopes and aspirations; the
things in life that motivate and inspire them; and their plans for the
Contributors include Gerhard Hallstatt (Allerseelen), Miklós
Hoffer (H.E.R.R.), Raymond P (Von Thronstahl / The Days of the Trumpet
Call), Richard Leviathan (Strength Through Joy / Ostara), Robert Taylor
(Changes), Grzegorz Siedlecki (Horologium), Christopher Walton (AbRAXAS /
Endura / TenHornedBeast), Kristian Olsson (Survival Unit) and various
others. Edited by Troy Southgate, himself a participant in this
remarkable musical genre, this book will lead you through the classical
and the romantic, the sinister and the enlightening, the tragic and the
Troy Southgate
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